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The Green Matter helps indigenous people to independently generate an income from the knowledge and customs of their own culture. As a result, young people regain faith and trust in their own traditions.


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Our organization aims to promote the preservation of the language, culture, environment, nature, traditions, knowledge of medicinal plants and small communities around the world, and aims to develop these communities at micro level, more specifically by setting up small-scale companies and developing sustainable agriculture and also by purchasing land and planting trees.


Green Matters helps indigenous people to independently generate an income from the knowledge and customs of their own culture. Buying products from :  

you’re contributing to the preservation of not only nature, knowledge and culture but also your health.

Green Matters actively supports indigenous communities and is committed to preserving their knowledge.

We do this by recording their customs and making them available to future generations.

Together we consider which of their plants are most suitable for sustainable agriculture, which we then promote using AGROFORESTRY organic farming techniques, permaculture and the necessary materials.



To show that it pays off to use traditional methods to grow crops – not only from a commercial point of view but also from a humanitarian and ecological one – by participating in sustainable companies and to inspire other parties to do the same.


We are permanently working on projects and with your contributions on Patreon we can continue moving forward.
You can donate and be our mecenas with a monthly subscription or with a one time donation.
With this you receive different pledges!
Donations start since 10 USD

Click here to go to our external Patreon site and read more about our projects as small loans, emergency funds and more:

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