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Natural and strong repellent


Scientific name: Artemisia absinthium


Artemisia absinthium (in medieval Latin aloxinus), commonly called Wormwood (Crab), asensio, ajorizo, bitter artemisia or holy herb, is a medicinal herbaceous plant, of the genus Artemisia, native to the temperate regions of Europe, Asia and North Africa. Known since ancient times by the Egyptians, later transmitted to the Greeks, this herb has been called the "mother of all herbs" in the work Treasure of the poor1 given its multiple healing applications. It is used as a tonic, febrifuge and anthelmintic, as well as in the production of absinthe and vermouth.

Wormwood grows without difficulty in poor, sandy soils as well as in dry, sunny places. It grows spontaneously in uncultivated fields, on arid and rocky hills. It grows very well in fertile soils, not very heavy. Prefers soil rich in nitrogen. It is propagated by segments between March and October in temperate climates) or by seeds in planting beds. The seeds of this plant are very small so they should be located in places where they are not lifted by the wind or washed away by rain. For this reason they are minimally covered with a little soil. This type of plant can be reproduced by cutting the roots. For the care of its cultivation, the plant must be fertilized in small quantities at least once a year. therapeutic uses It is used as a medicinal plant, and the most important property is the appetizer. Wormwood in the Huancavelica and Junín regions of Peru is used for colic or stomach pain. Pharmacology.


The plant contains 0.2 to 0.5 percent of an essence that is greenish or bluish in color (depending on its characteristics) and has a strong bitter taste, and the main component is thujone, soluble in alcohol, but not in water. . The plant has another compound called absintine, an amorphous yellow substance, slightly soluble in alcohol but soluble in water.


Other uses:

The characteristic odor is used against pests. Formerly it was used as an insecticide against moths, which attack clothes. It has secretions from its roots, exerting an inhibitory effect on the growth of nearby plants. It is very useful as an insect repellent. It is one of the main plants in the production of the famous wormwood or absinthe liqueur and vermouth (the name of this drink comes from the name given to the plant in German, Wermutkraut).


A. absinthium procures the flavor and psychoactive principle (thujone) of wormwood or absinthe, a drink that is now illegal in several countries. It is a powerful neurotoxicant that, in large quantities, is addictive and, in the end, deadly. In 1890, the "green fairy", as the wormwood or absinthe drink was called, spread throughout Europe, the United States and South America, mainly in Chile and Argentina, where it was widely consumed. It was widely consumed in the cafes of Paris and other cities. In North Africa it replaces mint or spearmint during the winter for the preparation of green tea.

Excellent to clean digestive system from parasites.

Image by Simone Garritano

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